Pletz sir, may I have another?

First, RTV’s grand opening of the Leaning Tower of Osteopathy is ruined by the weekly wipe of MSSU — The Chart — now his tour de farce with the Higher Learning Commission team is going to be competing with questions about KCUMB.

Former Speck debutante Karen Pletz has been indicted on charges like embezzling, false tax statements and money laundering.

Remember when?

We always liked that segment at high school banquets. So let’s play.

Remember when we had an economic impact study, an energized local base and a medical school that sent its president to campus?

Remember when everyone was optimistic (for the record) until The Chart uncovered an email undisclosed by RTV in an open records request?

Remember when we had tours of the Remnant Prairie?

Remember Pink Slip Blues? (OK. Now we are funning)

Holy Katz, Batman! What if we had inked this deal? As we recall, we would be preparing for the first group of students in the fall of 2012.

One embezzler is a problem….

Here is the thing: This is why transparency and people who ask questions are so important. What if no one at KCUMB had ever asked? What if The Chart had never asked about this MSSU relationship with KCUMB?

Just think about it. And if you think no one should ever ask questions, bend over and ask the pledge master to continue.


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